How is the winning taxi firm chosen?
We have over 20 different selection criteria including fleet size, age and type of vehicles, emissions, pick-up times, staff discounts and amount tendered. There’s often a clear winner. Sometimes, we have to gather further information before a decision can be made.
If needed, we can arrange and attend a “beauty parade” of back to back meetings with potential providers at your premises.
I’m happy with our current taxi company and don’t want to change, so what’s the point?
In over 70% of cases, the incumbent taxi provider wins the concession. Only now they are managed by us under a formal contract, pay for the rights to the concession and perform to a strict SLA. If we recommend a different provider following the tender process this will be because we believe the new provider will provide at least as good a service as your current taxi company.
The taxi industry is going through the biggest period of change since the first minicabs were licensed more than half a century ago. Rivals have merged. Many operators are struggling to recruit drivers. Some operators have invested heavily in new vehicles and dispatch systems, improving speed and quality while others are sweating their old assets. You only know what’s available if you go to market and, if nothing else, this process helps to extract maximum performance and value from your current provider.
Who has the final say?
You do and you can be as involved in the selection and vetting process as you choose. We can send you the key information from the tender submissions in an Excel spreadsheet.
You can rest assured that we won’t appoint a taxi provider without your approval. We make recommendations based on our experience, the local taxi market, our understanding of your requirements and the tender submissions.
Our staff get a discount from our current taxi provider. Can you guarantee we won’t lose that?
Yes and we’re often able to negotiate better discounts or discounted set fares for your staff. Staff discounts will form part of the contract with the taxi provider so can be enforced if necessary.
We also audit current discount arrangements and make sure that discounts going forward are available to ALL staff to avoid Benefit in Kind issues.
How do you make sure our bookings get priority?
We can usually arrange for calls from your venue to be flagged by their calling line identification as VIP so that they will be given preference in telephone queues and vehicles will be priority dispatched.
Ideally, we’d like newer or executive cars to collect our customer. Can you arrange this?
The taxi operator’s dispatch system can usually be programmed to prioritise newer and executive cars for your venue.
How do I know the taxi firm won’t overcharge my customers?
The taxi operator’s proposed fares and tariffs are included in their tender submission and form part of our contract and SLA with them.
How do I know the taxi operator is legal?
We obtain and maintain up to date copies of Taxi Operators’ licences issued by the local taxi licensing authority and insurance documents.
How are complaints handled?
If you have a complaint, let us know. We will take it up with the taxi operator. They must respond to complaints within 48 hours. We feed back to you and resolve any issues to your satisfaction.
The quality and performance of your taxi provider is part of your customers’ experience and reflects on your brand. A bad service can cost significantly more in reputational damage and loss of business than any concession fee income.
Do we need to have a new phone line installed?
No. Our equipment runs over the GSM network so you just need to plug it into a power socket.
What happens if your equipment breaks down?
Faults are rare but if you do have a problem we’ll send you a replacement next working day if you let us know before 3pm.
How long does it take to set everything up?
Between four and twelve weeks, depending on the number of venues.
What’s the process?
We gather information from you or your local management about your current taxi arrangements, approximate volumes, staff discounts and preferences. Then we canvass all of the taxi firms in your area, generate interest in the opportunity and invite them to take part in the tender process. Interested parties submit their tenders, operators’ licenses and insurance documents. We evaluate the tender applications and, liaising with you, choose a provider.
We draw up a contract and SLA for the chosen taxi firm and arrange their payments. We can arrange for a representative from the taxi firm to meet your local management to introduce themselves and set up the equipment. We agree a contract start date with you and then your improved, managed, income-generating taxi concession goes live.
How can you help us to mitigate risk in relation to the Anti-Bribery Act?
Using us to set up and manage your taxi concessions is, in itself, a measure to prevent taxi bribery. This is covered in our contract with taxi operators who now pay for their preferred supplier status via their concession fee payments rather than via illegal, “off the books” cash payments or other incentives to individuals.
What if the taxi firm’s level of service drops?
Taxi operators pay considerable sums of money for concessions like yours and are highly motivated to protect their investment. If performance issues develop, we work with taxi operators and venues to try to resolve them. If problems can’t be resolved we can replace taxi operators quickly, easily and without disruption.